Oh yes: exercising in the fresh air remains!

Oh yes: exercising in the fresh air remains!

You don't have to be a fanatic athlete to know that exercise is very important. Exercise is healthy and the fresh air helps with that. Walking, cycling, running or chasing your dog: these are the sports that work under all circumstances. Also under the current measures. Can we hear you thinking: after a long day of work or study, that lazy couch is also very tempting? Then try a small but great tasting push in the right direction.


Nightwatch: out into nature with natural energy.

Try a Nightwatch 100% Plant Based Extreme Energy Drink for Focus & Power. The natural caffeine from the Guayusa plant provides long-lasting energy. Enough to give you sense and spirit after a day to enjoy nature and the fresh air. Without having to worry about too much sugar. 


The great ‘outside’: one big gym for everyone

Whether you have a QR code or not, 'outside' has no entrance gates. And exercising outside provides a lot of health benefits. For example, UV light helps with the production of essential vitamins. But we are also outdoor people by nature: it’s evolutionarily determined that we react more positively to a green environment. After outdoor sports, we often seem to feel more energetic.

So, fortunately: we can continue to move in the open air under the current circumstances. What once seemed so obvious, is now the ultimate open air sports venue for everyone: the fields, the roads, the woods and trails: enjoy them!

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