Plant based energy

Plant based energy

Nightwatch, nature knows best. Nightwatch is the only original plant based energy drink that is powered by guayusa and supported by a million years of evolution! Nightwatch is real, no additives, no chemicals, just all natural, plant based energy for body and mind! Drink positive energy!

Plant based energy


Nightwatch, nature knows best. Nightwatch is the only original plant based energy drink powered by the guayusa plant. Supported by a million years of evolution nature is winning. Consumer boredom with flashy marketed, laboratory developed, scientifically engineered/synthesized sugary products increases.

Nature has had time and an endless amount of resources to compose, test and fine-tune the guayusa effect. Guayusa can’t survive without human intervention. The plant gave up the ability to flower when she went into partnership with us. By providing humans focus and power she secured her own survival. Being amongst the earliest plants cultivated by humanity, guayusa adapted to us and we adapted to guayusa.


Guayusa turns sunlight into focus and power. There’s a beautiful elegance around the whole system, why break the dance between humans and plants? Why re-invent nature to maximize profit? 

Nightwatch is real, no additives, no chemicals, just all natural, plant based energy for body and mind! 

Drink positive energy!

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