Exploring guayusa, our main ingredient.

Exploring guayusa, our main ingredient.

Our main ingredient, the energizing power of the Amazon’s caffeine-rich plant. Deep within the lush Amazon rainforest, a remarkable plant thrives, known as guayusa (pronounced gwha-you-sa)

Respected by indigenous communities for centuries, guayusa is gaining global recognition for its unique properties and high caffeine content. No wonder we have picked guayusa to be our main ingredient!

A rich cultural legacy.

Indigenous tribes such as the Quechua tribe in Ecuador, have long incorporated guayusa into their daily lives. They view guayusa to be sacred, central to their traditions and gatherings. They use guayusa to stay awake and alert when they stand guard at night, to sharpen their insticts while hunting or to dance all night during rituals. It gives them the energy to start the day, go hunting and cultivate their gardens. They have been doing so for centuries! The guardians of the tribes are called Nightwatch men, hence our name Nightwatch.


Caffeine content.


One of guayusa’s distinguished features is its notably high caffeine levels. Guayusa’s unique composition creates long-lasting energy and a more balanced stimulation than coffee and traditional tea, often described as clean energy without the jitters or crashes associated with other caffeinated beverages.

Long-lasting energy and mental clarity.

Guayusa’s caffeine content provides long-lasting energy to help jumpstart the day. It stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing alertness, focus and mental clarity. The gradual release of caffeine in guayusa offers sustained energy throughout the day, making it an excellent alternative to first generation energy drinks or multiple cups of coffee.


Antioxidant powerhouse.


Beyond caffeine, guayusa contains an abundance of antioxidants, which play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Antioxidants help combat free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause cell damage and contribute to various health issues. The presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, and other antioxidants in guayusa supports a healthy immune system, cardiovascular health, and may have anti-inflammatory properties.

A well-rounded nutritional profile.

Guayusa is not just a source of caffeine and antioxidants; it also contains high levels of Xanthine alkaloids. This is the family of molecules to which caffeine (coffee, tea), theobromine (cacao, tea) and theophylline (cacao, tea) belong. The xanthines in guayusa are bound in a complex way releasing their energy very slowly over time. This natural blend of molecules prevents the quick “rush”  followed by the “crash” often accredited to coffee and artificially caffeinated energy drinks. The natural xanthine blend in guayusa gives more focus & power throughout the day.

Pretty extraordinary right?

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