Superstar DiCaprio fights for more sustainable food

Superstar DiCaprio fights for more sustainable food

While climate change was previously the domain of politicians and activist groups, the awareness is now growing broader and faster. Well-known influencers help with that. Leonardo DiCaprio, for example, has been campaigning for the fight against climate change for some time. The breeding and slaughter of cows, pigs and other animals for meat is a major cause of greenhouse gases. By changing that, climate gains can be made, the actor expects.


Investment in Dutch cultured meat companies is a good sign.

One of the most impactful ways to fight the climate crisis is by transforming our food system. That is why Leonardo DiCaprio invests in Dutch cultured meat companies. A good sign, which is in line with the frequently appearing news facts about consuming plant-based foods in general being a good way to combat climate change.


Nightwatch answers the call for 100% Plant Based

In the field of energy drinks, Nightwatch stands out as the example of the choice of a new generation. Nightwatch is 100% organic, vegan and gluten free. The perfect alternative to artificial energy drinks. With Nightwatch Extreme Energy 100% Plant Based for Focus & Power in the product range, you will give the consumer the conscious choice.

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