Nightwatch is plant-based, but aren't all energy drinks plant-based and, therefore, Vegan?

Nightwatch is plant-based, but aren't all energy drinks plant-based and, therefore, Vegan?

You got a point there! However, Nightwatch caffeine is naturally present in the guayusa leaf we sustainably cultivate and harvest in a Equadorian rainforest.

Thus providing a livelihood for the Quichua tribe who have been using the herb for centuries. Other energy drinks often use cafeïne derived from industries that use harsh chemicals to extract it from coffee, these chemicals can be present as a residue. Maximum residue levels (MRL) have been set to determine how much is allowed to be present!! Or they use synthetic caffeine. 

Synthetic and natural caffeine are indistinguishable, both are chemically identical. Synthetic caffeine is produced from urea and chloroacetic acid rather than extracted from plant products and produced by nature, unlike natural caffeine synthetic caffeine is not likely to be certified vegan. 

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