Hard to keep focus during work? Try these tips.

Hard to keep focus during work? Try these tips.

To keep focus on things that matter is a virtue we all want to train a little more. use a little bit Still, whatever we tell ourselves, to simply keep our eyes on the most important things is often a lot easier said than done. Especially during work. Nightwatch extreme energy drink for focus and power has some tips for you beside ‘to drink Nightwatch’. Pick your favorite and stay focused.

Put social media in a temporary ban.


Social media are here to stay. And although they inspire, incoming push messages from Snapchat, Facebook or Insta not really improve your state of focus.Just lay your phone in another room or use a special blocker. Some of the most popular social media blockers are Freedom, AppBlock, FocusMe, and Focus.

Get rid of distractions

Make an effort to get rid of as many distractions as possible and find out that a simple ‘firt things first’ works. For instance, close the door, move to another room, tell your colleagues you really, really want to work unbothered. No, but really.


3. Drink Nightwatch instead of coffee.


Drinking coffee, or other caffeinated beverages may have a positive impact on your ability to focus. Caffeine’s has some positive sides, for example ‘cognitive-enhancing properties’

But the caffeine in coffee is quickly absorbed, so you run the risk of feeling anxious or nervous. Quite the opposite of staying focused. The natural caffeine form the guayusa plant in Nightwacht is known for slow regular absorption. Giving you long-lasting energy without the negative side effects.

4. Get sleep

Yes, it’s as simple as it sounds. Not getting enough sleep most nights of the week can negatively impact both your short and long-term memory, as well as your ability to concentrate. Hence, your focus. For young and older adults it’s advised to get 7 or more hours a night.


5. Fuel your body 


Feeling hangry? The bad combination of hunger and anger is a major obstacle to focus. Keep the grey mass5 focused, energy levels up, by a regular drink or -preferably healthy- snack. Stay fueled with fruit, veggies, nuts, or seeds if you get hungry between meals, and be sure to keep yourself hydrated. Water will do, but Nightwatch is the 100% plantbased energy giving you longlasting energy. Helping you to keep focus. Just a thought. 


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